Undoubtedly blogging is fun. You write whatever is on your mind. You can set up blogs on Blogger or Typepad. Blogger seems to be the most user friendly.
I have 39 active blogs on Blogger . I get a lot of traffic from these blogs.
You can put Adsense ads on your blog. Also Adbrite and other affiliate ads and you get paid either PPC or PPS ( Pay Per Click or Pay per Sale ).
Blog Marketing is the latest buzz. If you use a conversational tone you will get a big audience. Never broadcast. Never indulge in self promotion. Never sell. Be altruistic and share your knowledge with the international community !
Wealth or Knowledge should not be accumulated. It should be shared with our brethren. Marx, Jesus and Aurobindo were altruistic and they shared their immense knowledge with their brethren. Let us go after Almighty Love and not after Almighty Mammon !
You can share not only articles written by you, but also your favorite videos and photos dealing with that topic. You can go to social networking sites like Facebook or Google Plus and update your status and tell your friends that you have been blogging, with links pointing back to your blog ! This is the joy of Blog Marketing !