Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bhartrihari, The Master Poet !

He was one of the greatest Sanskrit poets of all time. He was a philosopher-king turned renunciant ( (c. 450-510 CE?)

He dealt with Literature, Philosphy & the Arts.

Initially, it is Wealth that is recognised. Hence about Wealth he wrote

He who has wealth is deemed aristocratic
The scholar, the man who is indeed versatile
The philosopher, the leader and the guide
All qualities are based on Wealth !

A wealthy man without kids is not considered fortunate. Or Fortune is an invisible goddess which no wealth can court !

About Fortune he wrote

He who is fortunate is aristocratic
The scholar and the man versatile
The leader, guide and the tribal chief
For all qualities Fortune is the base !

Even then, it is not perfection. For we find that man's span is one hundred years, of which half is gone as night, half as boyhood and old age. The rest is accompanied by service, loss and pain.
Happiness, it seems, is elusive !

As he wrote

One hundred years: one half is stillness of the night,
and half again is gone in boyhood or old age.
In what is left, accompanied by illness, loss and pain,
pleasure is a water bubble, passing breath.

In other words, in contrast to the lives of miserable men, the immortalised poets are the most famous and victorious !

Victorius are the masters, the rasa-siddha poets
Whose body of fame has no fear of age or death.

The true Yogi, the Seer, the Psychic, the Sage is the most fortunate. We find parallel lines in another philosopher, Sankara.

He who recites the sacred syllable Om
He who visualises himsef as the Self Absolute
He who is happy with the Bliss of the Self
Fortune belongs to him; to none else, to none else

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